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loading ramp

2 year ago
151 0
Product details

Stationary Dock Leveler

Stationary Loading Dock Leveler is the loading and unloading auxiliary gear collectively with the storage platform, the tools and the platform, can be adjusted in accordance to the extraordinary peak of the truck can be adjusted greater or lower, handy forklift into the car, the tools adopts the imported hydraulic pump station, the two facets are geared up with anti-rolling skirt plate, work greater safe, enhance work efficiency. 

Hydraulic Loading Ramps for Trucks is expert auxiliary gear to load and dump the items faster. Its peak adjustment characteristic makes a bridge between the truck and the cargo platform of the warehouse. Forklifts and different coping with cars can pressure without delay into the vehicles via it for cargo loading and unloading. Only one character can operate.

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zhongcan machinery Co.,Ltd
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