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Self-propelled Articulated Boom Lift

2 year ago
115 0
Product details

Self-propelled  Boom Lift

Articulating Boom Lifts are widely used for plant installation and maintenance, venue construction and maintenance, construction engineering, large-scale warehousing, aviation and aerospace industry applications, airports and harbors, urban utilities and gardening, curtain wall engineering and more.


Complete Safety Devices: Standard four-link weighing devices; measures such as overload protection, automated detection device for detecting platform amplitude and height, automatic control of the movement speed and traveling speed of the boom, and high-precision weighing devices, to ensure the safety and stability of operation in all directions.

(Beside, we also product Home lift, Hydraulic cargo lift ,Mast lift and Dumbwaiter lift etc.) Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

zhongcan machinery Co.,Ltd
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