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Camrea and wafer cleaning solution.mp4

4 year ago
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Product details

Professional Cleaning System Wafer Cleaner

ROC  Cleaning System FOR   Holder/CMOS/LCD/CCD/Fiter CMOS used to many factoy in China .   wafers ultrasonic cleaning  can imorove wafer process quality.

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Suitable for cleaning and drying of silicon wafers, wafers and high precision semiconductor devices.

The main products of ROC: SMT Cleaning Machine, PSA oxygen / nitrogen generator, wafer cleaning equipment, PCBA Cleaning Machine, PCB Separator, SMT Spare Parts, Reflow / Wave Soldering Machine, SMT Nozzle, SMT Feeder etc. If there is any need, please contact us.


Cleaning contrast

Wafer Cleaning

Product Name Wafer Cleaner  Dimension(L*W*H) 870mm(L)*1000mm(W)*1400mm(H)
Power(W) 7.5KW Application Claening Holder/CMOS/LCD/CCD/Fiter/Wafer Surface
Cleaning Process  DI Water Working size L420mm x W420mm Contact Now

If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Shenzhen KunPeng Precision Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd
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