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Pasteurized Milk Production Plant

5 year ago
210 0
Product details

Introduction of Hen Egg Boiling Shelling Line

Our hen egg boiling shelling production line includes: egg washing machine → centering pre-cooking line → steaming line → cooling line → shelling machine → shelling machine.
The production line is composed of tank body, inner tank body, mesh belt, steam pipe, lifting device and bubble generating device. The assembly line has automatic continuous cooking, chain drive, and is equipped with a speed adjustment function (boiling speed and water flow speed are adjustable), simple and safe to operate, reduce labor intensity, improve cooking efficiency, save labor, and reduce labor costs.

Hen Egg Boiling Shelling LineBoiled Egg Peeling Machine 1

Final Effect of Hen Egg Boiling Shelling Line

For Hen Egg Shelling Machine, the function of centering yolk is very important. If the centering yolk is not good, the eggs will be broken during peeling.

Boiled egg shell peeling machine

The capacity of Hen Egg Boiling Shelling Line

We have 3000eggs/5000eggs/8000eggs/10000eggs per hour, you can choose the suitable one according to the demands.

Beside this fruit vegetable washing machine, we also provide fruit vegetable blanching machine, fruit vegetable dehydrator machine, fruit vegetable crusher, hydraulic press machine to get fruit or vegetable juice. Please contact me for details:

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Henan Gems Machinery Co.,Ltd
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