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cocoa winower peeling machine

4 year ago
238 0
Product details

Introduction for Small Coffee Bean Peeler Coffee Shelling Machine:

The cocoa bean peeler machine is a popular product developed by our factory according to the market demand. Its main characteristics are the processed cocoa beans, uniform crushing, clean sorting, and all indicators meet national standards. This machine is composed of peeling rollers, fans, and specific gravity sorting parts, with simple and compact structure, easy operation, stable performance, safety and reliability.
Working principle: Cocoa beans are fed. The cocoa beans are fed evenly in the hopper, and the peeling is carried out by rollers. Then the ventilator sucks the peeled skins to the outside of the machine by the wind for storage. The peeled cocoa kernels pass through the material. When the material is discharged from the mouth, by adjusting the size of the wind force and the size of the peeling gap, all the peels and kernels can be separated.

cocoa winnower 6

cocoa peeling machine

Best Selling Cocoa Bean Winnower Machine

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We also have the cocoa butter making machine:

cocoa butter machine

We also have other cocoa processing machine such as cocoa roasting machine. cocoa peeling machine and cocoa nibs paste grinding machine, filling machine. Please contact me for details:

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If you are interested in the product, contact for more information

Henan Gems Machinery Co.,Ltd
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